Surviving Parenting

I don’t know a thing about parenting. I believe I will never know it all and will never pretend to know it all.

I’m just a mom, who loves her special boy, trying to survive each day. It’s survival of the fittest.

In this section, you will find:

Surviving Autism:  This is where I have written and will continue to write about our family’s  journey through therapy and how we are all progressing. If you are a parent reading this section and if you are in a similar situation please remember you are not alone!

Surviving Baby: This section will grow as we welcome a newborn girl to our clan in October 2015.

Surviving Infertility: This is the story of our battle with infertility, multiple loses, and becoming strong in my faith through extreme suffering.

Surviving Toddler: The posts in this section are my take on parenting a toddler designed to make you laugh and cry…

Product Reviews: In this section, I write about products sent to me with most being designed to make surviving parenting a little easier.

Happy parenting!

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