PMES: Pinterest Mom Envy Syndrome

DSC_0335I have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest. I love to see all of the very creative ideas but lately I feel incredibly inadequate as I gaze upon the beautiful nurseries that creative mothers have conjured up. As I scroll through the search results, I think I could do that? Then I remember my God given talents do not lie in the artistic realm.

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4 things no pregnant lady has ever said in Bangkok


Just a lighthearted post of being pregnant in Bangkok.

  1. What a beautiful day! It’s the perfect weather.

That’s because no matter the month Bangkok is hot. You can have sticky heat, humid heat, pouring sweat heat, heat that makes your skin burn, hot rain, hot wind, the list goes on and on. It’s hot but the best part is you can wear shorts all the time. Also it’s not a big deal if you look like a pregnant hot mess because everyone else in this city is looking like a hot mess.

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